The benefits of hemp for mental health 

Hemp oil is not CBD oil, as it contains only traces of cannabinoids and therefore has no psychoactive effects. However, hemp oil is one of the best vegetable cooking oils to buy and eat! Hemp oil is obtained from hemp seeds and is therefore also called hemp seed oil. If you are interested in purchasing hemp seeds, make sure to get good quality ones such as those from Sensoryseeds, which is a leader in Europe in selling marijuana seeds. Read more to find out about the difference between CBD and hemp oil, and how these products can be benefitial to your health, including mental well-being.

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CBD and hemp

Unlike CBD extract, hemp oil is not obtained from flowers, but from hemp seeds by cold pressing. Hemp seed oil is golden yellow, smells slightly of hemp, and has a full-bodied, spicy flavour. It has a very balanced fat content and is rich in omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids. In addition, hemp oil contains many vitamins and minerals. All properties that make it one of the healthiest vegetable cooking oils.


Thanks to the balanced ratio of fatty acids, omega 3 and omega 6, it is particularly good for the human body. Omega 3 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fats and are essential for a balanced diet. On average, Western countries eat too much saturated fat. Larger quantities of omega 3 fatty acids are also found in linseed oil, fresh fish and walnuts. They not only help in the formation of brain and nerve cells but also lower blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease.

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Can hemp be beneficial for mental health?

Our body therefore needs support, just like a plant needs fertilizer to grow during the spring. Regular and fulfilling sleep, an increased intake of vital substances and sufficient exercise help us to feel fit again. Hemp oil relaxes thanks to cannabidiol and thus often helps to fall asleep. Taken about an hour before bed, it helps you fall asleep and stay asleep. This way, you start the new day fit.


Why do cannabinoids have such a relaxing effect?

It wasn’t until 1992 that researchers discovered cannabinoid receptors in the human body. Through this endocannabinoid system (endogenous cannabinoid system), hemp’s components can influence vital functions. Two different receptors are known that affect different bodily functions. The human body produces its own endocannabinoids, but the active ingredients of the hemp plant are also able to hook up to these receptors in the human body. Therefore, cannabidiol and THC also have their effect here. The analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect has a positive effect on sleep. This is why CBD also works well against spring fatigue.

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Several studies conducted on samples of young users have shown that the use of cannabis puts mental health at risk. We cannot deny that the use of cannabis is a current but also a past phenomenon involving a fair percentage of people. It is estimated that at least one-third of the European population has used illegal psychotropic substances at least once in their lifetime. The most worrying aspect, however, is linked to the evidence that the age of the promo used in recent years has dropped drastically. It is even estimated that 45% of users are between the ages of 15 and 34.

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Hemp and CBD products for mental health

CBD, on the other hand, does not have any psychoactive effect and can be enjoyed for its relaxing properties without fear of side effects or risk of addiction. Hemp products are particularly helpful for mental disorders such as depression and anxiety.

Anxiety disorder is dangerous for our mental health as it impairs our cognitive abilities, such as memory, and reduces the effectiveness of our thought processes. This means that it prevents us from fully expressing our potential and from carrying out our daily activities to the fullest.


Anxiety, if left untreated, can lead us to put our relationships in crisis and to isolation. Additionally, people with anxiety have a higher mortality rate and weaker immune systems. Over time they may develop other illnesses such as migraines and nervous depression. This is where CBD and hemp products can help with alleviating the symptoms of anxiety and depression.

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Hemp and CBD products are natural anxiolytics that can provide you with great relief. But even nutrition, physical activity and a healthy lifestyle can help fight anxiety and other mental disorders. When integrated, these natural solutions enhance their effect and will help restore your well-being with a natural and legal product now available online.